When you think of skincare, what appears to your mind? Your face, definitely. Most of us neglect the skin below the neck. In fact, skincare is essential for the entire body. Our skin acts as armor and protects us against infections and injuries. Harmful UV rays, pollution, and lack of proper moisturization result in blotchy and saggy skin. Don’t you want to look flawless from head to toe? We are here to help you follow a body skincare routine. Proper Cleansing Just like you care about your facial cleanser, pay some attention to what you use to cleanse your body. Dirt, sweat, and perfume need to be cleaned off the skin. Your skincare products go deep into your skin, so be sure to choose a gentle cleanser free from fragrance, dyes, and harsh chemicals like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. These are the skin allergens that irritate. Instead, go for some soothing and moisturizing ingredients like natural botanical extracts. Exfoliate the Dead Cells Away Like your face, your body needs to exfoliate the dead skin cells away. Use a homemade sugar scrub, exfoliating cream, or a gentle loofah on damp skin. Exfoliation does not only help to remove dead skin cells; it also improves blood circulation and helps in better absorption of skincare products. During exfoliation, pay close attention to rough parts of your body, including knees and elbows. Avoid sensitive areas like around your chest or neck. The Righteous Shaving Shaving the unwanted hair from your body is not fun at all. To minimize the fuss, prep your skin. The exfoliation brings the hair entirely out from the follicles. Soaking the hair in warm water also aids in a smoother shave. Finally, make sure to remove hair in the direction of growth. Nourish Your Skin Some people apply a few drops of almond oil or discarded lotion to combat skin dryness on their bodies. It is not only the dryness you need to fight for. The primary goal should be to nourish your skin. Body butter is the best skincare product made for your body. Now, the point is, does all body butters good for your skin? Absolutely Not. It is crucial to consider the ingredient list. Botanical ingredients like Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, Lavender Oil, and Marula Oil are excellent for the skin. They deeply nourish your skin, provide lasting hydration, and prevent environmental damage. Apply the Body Butter right after taking a shower because it will help trap some water into your skin and keep it moisturized for a long time. The Bottom Line Spare some time from your busy schedule to take care of your body’s skin. Nipaa Skincare offers you body butter in 4 variations all with natural fragrance and botanical extracts with no parabens and harsh chemicals. So, indulge in mesmerizing scents and try them anywhere on your body to provide deep nourishment and hydration. And don’t forget to take a healthy diet because it is necessary to bring the glow from the inside! Why not try our new body butters and start your body skin journey today.